Past, Present and Future | Teen Ink

Past, Present and Future

February 9, 2016
By BriannaGramz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
BriannaGramz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a miracle, February 8th the day the world gained not one but two babies
three months early
we struggled for air
alarms blared throughout the night
We survived...

I am from a home
a cluttered garage
neutral tone walls, blankets from 1960,  worn out fixtures, junk drawer rarely organized, clothes piled up on the floor, beds not made
this will be my home until I die...

I am from a tight-knit family with cackles
twin brother with a love and hate relationship
singing into plastic cups in the kitchen with my sister to the Pitch Perfect and Frozen soundtracks making a new group called the “A cup ellas”
little brother who has surpassed 5’ 5”
My best friends...

I am from Arrowhead
a Warhawk
a senior
a semester away from the best and worst day of my life
I’m not ready.

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