The Incinerated God | Teen Ink

The Incinerated God

March 18, 2016
By 6carroll GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
6carroll GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Statue of Zeus
470 B.C.
Phidias, a robust man worthy
of the insurmountable undertaking.
40 feet high and 22 feet wide
of ivory skin and gold ornaments.
392 A.D.
The statue was abducted by the Greeks,
in order to save it from the nonbelievers.
Now it rests in Constantinople safe,
away from the unworthy and unjust.
452 A.D.
Ignition, flames, and destruction
filled the air of the followers’ breath,
nothing lay but beat down broken
debris of what once was immortal.
453 A.D.
The Temple of Zeus prevails empty,
with an immortal god dissipated from existence.
Time passed and the Earth quaked,
the temple convulsed and concussed.
2016 A.D.
The temple endures time and remains,
with structure and pillars kissing the sky.
The statue of Zeus is now nothing but dust,
and a memory of strength and mortality.

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