This is Where the Realm Ends | Teen Ink

This is Where the Realm Ends

May 19, 2016
By RittoruLawliet BRONZE, Glenpool, Oklahoma
RittoruLawliet BRONZE, Glenpool, Oklahoma
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This is where the realm ends
Flying, then dying
then left crying.
This is where the realm ends.
And as you step out of the realm you step into a dark abyss of
for this is where the imaginary realm ends, they said.
No more flowers, no more towers
just worn out places,
worn out faces.
For this is where the realm ends.
the dark abyss is nothing but a sempiternal war.
For this is where the realm ends, they said.
Yes, this is when the flowers die, and the towers crumble,
and everything you thought was real begins to become fake.
Fake people, fake places, fake faces.
And as you put hands on your dying mother,
you think.
“this is where it ends..”

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