Stoplights | Teen Ink


May 24, 2016
By david.charles SILVER, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
david.charles SILVER, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“I opened myself up to the gentle indifference of the world. Finding it so much like myself”

Red yellow green, it doesn’t matter whether it’s the wheels of my silver Ford or the nomadic thoughts of the explorative youth. It’s all the same. They always come and go. I always come and go. Everywhere I go, there is always something I desire. Desire comes and goes as well, I know. Comes and goes through you too. It goes to that place where I am not reserved to think as a naive fool. It goes to the place of my sweetest dreams where the landfills smell like roses, the sugar is the sweetest, and the repulsive, evil acts of self-serving men suddenly become beautiful as those aforementioned roses. Roses that cry dew and blood in the stead of the suffering man. A place where the clouds are made of bubblegum and cotton candy all the more silky and smooth. A place where love and is the most impregnable steel.  I stop at that place for a bit blinded by a constant damned blazing inferno of crimson muddled with mustard yellow. Such a light is as brilliant as the sheen of any garnet or gold I have ever seen. I would love to be perpetually frozen in such a state, in such a place. But I never am.I just shut my eyes in hopes that they revive themselves tomorrow. Tomorrow, a place that tends to be of even more spectacular proportions. I wake up to my world, a world of verdant jade bordered by a pavement jungle, and I go and I go and I go to my next stoplight.

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