Untitled | Teen Ink


June 1, 2016
By HannahJoPro SILVER, Atwater, Ohio
HannahJoPro SILVER, Atwater, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Same old building,
Same old walls.
Same old faces,
Same old halls.
One day you won’t be there anymore,
Because you will be doing so much more.

You will get a better job,
You will get a better house.
You will start a family,
With your spouse.

There will be pain,
There will be pleasure.
But always remember,
You are their treasure.

Now you are at that age,
Your health isn't good.
You want to stay,
But you want your childhood.

Same old building,
Same old walls.
Same old faces,
Same old halls.
One day you won’t be there anymore,
Because you will be doing so much more.

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