The River Between | Teen Ink

The River Between

November 27, 2016
By Morrigan SILVER, Sharon, Massachusetts
Morrigan SILVER, Sharon, Massachusetts
8 articles 1 photo 2 comments

A dream unfinished.
A home still a house.
A dandelion between
Two pages of an ancient tome.
A half spoken word,
The end teetering over the abyss,
Silence watching from one cliff,
Absolution on the other.
All of this,
A poem
I don't know how to write.
I caught a glimpse
Of the eternal and the transient.
I don't remember what it looked like,
But I know how it felt.
So now I write,
A poem half-complete,
Preserved in balance,
Weighing the ones before,
And the ones that could be,
And the river in between,
And I can almost -

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