How to live by | Teen Ink

How to live by

December 22, 2016
By BookThief2016 BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
BookThief2016 BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Read with a passion. And hungrily devour the pages. Let yourself enjoy the illusion and dream of stories coming alive. Never stop turning the pages because there are so many mysteries to unravel like a ball of yarn. Read for the joy or read so you can escape the world of reality and enter the world of fantasy.
Try things that you may have never thought you would enjoy. Always be there to lend a helping hand. Never give up and never give in. Live life to the fullest because life is not always fair.  Always be proud of yourself because mean people don’t know that everyone is beautiful and unique in their own ways.
Love everything with a passion and pride. Enjoy toasting marshmallows while cracking jokes with friends. Searching the midnight sky covered in a blanket of stars for constellations. Life is too short to hate and hold grudges against people. Forgive them and forget the hatred you felt towards them and help them get back on their feet.
Let yourself  be free to explore the world. May your arms become wings so that no one can hold you down. And let yourself be a child once and awhile and make some new discoveries.

Always let your voice be heard. If you have questions that you don’t understand ask them, most likely other people have that same questions. Never be shy always use your voice because if you speak up and stop hiding in the shadows people can learn a lot about you.
Enjoy every day of your life. Life is like a labyrinth.There are always new doorways and paths that need to be explored. And when you turn old, and your hair becomes the color of fresh powdered snow, then you will realize how lucky you are that you get to live your life to it’s fullest.

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