The moon will never leave me | Teen Ink

The moon will never leave me

January 16, 2017
By sol21 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
sol21 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You're like the moon
There are days where you don't love yourself so you hide half of who you truly are just like the moon. We all know she's beautiful, bright and round. But no one pays attention to her when she shows us her dark sides. I'm still here for you when you show me your dark side. I love the moon no matter what when she shows me her dark side and her bright side. Everyone pays attention to her when she's completely bright and round. But me ? I love her dark sides, when she hides. She's so powerful she lights  up the whole world at night. You light up my life you're everything to me.  She's so far just like you but yet feels closer than anyone else. I adore watching her  every night I fall more for her everyday just like I do with you.

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first love

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