Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 19, 2017
By Blackco741 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Blackco741 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Information and consistency and my two best friends." -Julia Sajdowitz

I was born from the worry of the internet shutting down…
the generation addicted to wifi and social media...
To where even pencil to paper became clicks and clacks.

I grew up in a time of concern…
where one Christmas, my Godmother was present to suddenly cutting family ties. My aunt moved to Florida taking  her supportive wife with her.

I am from a family who never gets along…
siblings harassing, teasing, and physically hurting.
Mother’s four sisters talking unfavorably about every choice each other when they aren’t in the area.

I am at a stage where my life involves the arts…
working behind the scenes for the school’s drama department.
Where my wise sophomore year art teacher inspired me to teach myself more than his curriculum could.

I’m from where staying busy defines me…
to an available weekend or a stress free week is unlikely.
Involved in school clubs and volunteering at FIRST events hours away.

I am from a life style of it's own…
where family hates and loves each other. To where the distances seem far, but yet close thanks to the internet, to where staying busy is my free time. Where I am from, is a place that can’t be described in words alone.

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