DeeDarion rasist | Teen Ink

DeeDarion rasist

March 23, 2018
By Darion-Brown BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Darion-Brown BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is racism? Racism is discrimination of skin color

One time two black people walked in a store. One minute later they realized they were being followed by a mexican employee they turn corners to confirm she was following them. Theres alot of people but she choose to follow the black people so instead of causing trouble they just left without starting problem.

Black people alway getting arrested. So that’s why black people don’t mess with the police including me. It used to be black people causing trouble but now its the police causing trouble some shoot black people outta suspicion some shoot them and said it was self defense or he was scared.

The question i have is how and why do racism exist?

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