Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen | Teen Ink

Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen

February 22, 2011
By Kim527 BRONZE, Edison, New Jersey
Kim527 BRONZE, Edison, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

By Wendelin Van Draanen

I’ve never really read any romance books, until now, so this probably the first one. I really liked the book because it really got me thinking about whether if things happening in this book are actually happening in the world, right now as I’m writing this. I’ve realized, yes it is.

Juli can’t keep her eyes off of Bryce. It all started when the two became neighbors and went to the same school. Juli met Bryce when he moved in, and Juli was always helping Bryce and she would never let him out of her sight. Until… one day everything goes bizarre. Juli loses her favorite sycamore tree and realizes that Bryce threw the eggs away that Juli always use to give for him and his family to eat. What can be more fun than a book telling two character’s point of views with teenage romance, also full of laughter and excitement?

Juli and Bryce would be Dynamic characters in this book. They both change throughout the book. There is an irony in this book that really would surprise the reader. I truly think in the beginning in the story, Bryce was a bit too harsh and nasty to Juli, but at the same time, I thought Juli was being a little obnoxious to Bryce. The irony in the story is that in the beginning of the story, Juli liked Bryce but then towards the end, Bryce started revealing feelings to Juli but she was over him.

The theme of this book would probably be, to “Never Overlook Things”, or “You should never judge something or someone that you don’t really know.” Bryce didn’t really know Juli much and he hated for being annoying. He never had the chance to actually talk to her. You can never tell someone by their outside or know them without talking to them.
If I were to rate this book out of a ten I would give it an eight. Although, in the end of the book it really left me hanging, and it wasn’t really happy, but from the beginning to the end it really kept me reading, and I really felt I was in the story. I highly suggest that you read this book, whether you’re a fan of romance books or not, it’s really interesting to read about opinions from two different people throughout the story. Have a chance to see how Bryce and Juli feel about each other. All the other books have only opinions of a person; it’s now your chance to read an entirely different book and an entirely different view of characters. Be in the character’s minds!


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