Ties that bind, Ties that break by By Lensey Namioka | Teen Ink

Ties that bind, Ties that break by By Lensey Namioka

April 2, 2008
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

This fictional novel takes you back to a period of time that not a lot of people are very knowledgeable about. Set in 1911 in Nanjing, China, 4 year old Ailin Tao, born into a wealthy traditional Chinese family, makes a choice that will change her life forever. By deciding not to have her feet bound, she finds herself trapped in a world of disapproving faces and no real place to call “home”. This story is one that will truly capture the interest of people of all different backgrounds. One that demonstrates the true meaning of courage at its most extreme.

The decisions made by such a young girl have sacrificed her name and all of the respect of her family. With both of her sisters already married off and gone, now 14 years old, Ailin is living under the pressure of finding her way with no guidance, and the knowledge that she is considered a disgrace to everyone around her. But, having already decided to change her life path, Ailin makes an attempt to learn as much as she can about culture and history, and as a woman in her world, this is not an easy task. But being smart and very capable, with the maturity of a 30 year old, she makes this happen as well.

The writer seems very connected to the traditions of the Chinese culture of this time period, and the changes that took place throughout the entire book. This journey is one that you won't want to end. Readers will crave the excitement of unknown surprises and heartbreak every time a page is turned. This book will change readers' outlook on the world around them and the progress in it that is happening as they read


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