Mockinjay | Teen Ink


September 5, 2013
By ncfan17 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
ncfan17 BRONZE, Charleston, West Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mockingjay was written by Suzanne Collins. She has finished The Hunger Games Trilogy with Mockingjay to be the last book in the trilogy. To understand Mockingjay you will have to read Catching Fire and The Hunger Games. Her stories are now turning into movies they were so good.
Mockingjay is a fictional story for teens and young adults. The main character is Katniss Everdeen. Gale, Peeta Mellark, Coin, and President are minor characters. In this story Katniss is trying to save Panem and kill President Snow. After the Quarter Quell (75Th Annual Hunger Games) everyone who survived was airlifted to the capital. Peeta was kept by the capital and Katniss was released. Soon after being released Katniss went on a journey to find District 13. When she arrived in District 13 she realized that it wasn’t above ground, but below it. She stayed in District 13 and agreed to be the Mockingjay under certain conditions. She shoots propos and plays them throughout Panem. She finds out Peeta is getting beaten by the capital. Soon Peeta comes to District 13 and almost chokes Katniss to death because he is hypnotized. As soon as possible they get him to UN-hypnotize him and go to kill Snow. Will they ever find and kill President Snow?
I thought this book was a really good book to read. I didn't understand some parts of the story, but other than that I loved this book. It has almost every emotion in this one book. This wasn't my favorite books, but it is up there on my list of favorites. I will leave it up to you to find out if you like the book or not.
All in all I think this was a really good read. It is a read for ages 12 and up because of the violence in this novel. The Hunger Games trilogy was fantastic from beginning to end. My favorite book in the trilogy has to be Mockingjay. These books are so good that they are starting to make movies out of them.


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