Humans Are Humans | Teen Ink

Humans Are Humans

August 3, 2021
By Methmi PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
Methmi PLATINUM, Colombo, Other
49 articles 15 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
“When things get hard, stop for awhile and look back and see how far you’ve come. Don’t forget how rewarding it is. You are the most beautiful flower, more than anyone else in this world.”

What is color?
Just an appearance, not a white-collar
Both Blacks and Whites
Should equally shine bright

What's still going on?
When blacks are born
Is their fate to be tramped?
A prejudice which should be banned

Obama, who is black, took America to the top
Black Michael Jackson, The King of Pop
So many blacks are glowing in the dark
Please let them to be a spark

Girls are prettier with black curly hair
Boys are like hyacinths with black kits, I stare
Humans are humans even with the black skin
Not to be deterred, it is a sin

Police murdered a black poor life
As a black dove is slashed by a knife
White doves symbolize peace, humans fail
Black lives slayers should be in jail

Celebrating May for labor rights
Cheering Pride month with rainbow lights
Most people have no insight
To see the black lives still in a fight

The author's comments:

Let's Fight for The Black Lives Matter

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LKQgirl GOLD said...
on Aug. 15 2021 at 12:53 pm
LKQgirl GOLD, Somonauk, Illinois
17 articles 17 photos 63 comments

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