Peace | Teen Ink


February 1, 2023
By kae1104 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
kae1104 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments


In the darkest of nights

In the pelting rain

In the screaming thunder, and the blinding lightning

In the deepest storm

In the strongest wind

In the shadows of the fog, that cloud my day

In the most depressed morning when the sun refuses to show its face, and the moon can’t seem to go away


In the darkest of times I find the biggest comfort of peace

How can I find silence when the storms around me are roaring

How can I feel bright when the world around me is so dark

How can I be stable when the trees outside are shaking

How can my mind be so clear when the air is thick and the fog clouds my vision


When mother nature is at her busiest time I find a way to slow my mind

My thoughts come to a halt

And my brain can take a deep breath after a long day at work

I close my eyes for a brief moment and let the gears shut down

I wonder if mother nature lifts the weight of a hard time off my shoulders

I wonder if she suffers so that I can have a moment of tranquility

I silently thank her for the act of selflessness

It is not only my mind that is tranquil

Tranquility is found in the cars that all return home

Tranquility is found in the stores that close down

Tranquility is found in the person who sits on the couch watching a movie instead of worrying about their struggles

Tranquility is found in the family that spends the night curled up together because the young ones fear the storm,

the family that has not spent this much time together in months

I choose to enjoy the moment for I know that this state can not last forever

When I wake up in the morning the sun will be out again

My brain will resume its daily chores

For the meantime I sit in my bed reading a book as my eyes drift slowly asleep

I say my final goodbyes to my moment of peace

The author's comments:

My favorite days are the days when I wake up and go to school when it is dark and gloomy. Or the days that there is a huge rainstorm accompanied by thunder and lightning. It made me wonder why do I like such dark weather and why is it my favorite time, when other people hate storms and dark weather. In this piece I dug deep into why I like this weather.

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