What If... | Teen Ink

What If...

June 14, 2011
By creativewritingismything SILVER, Brookshire, Texas
creativewritingismything SILVER, Brookshire, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Creativity is a masterpiece in itself. The ability to manifest that masterpiece, and to recognize its worth, can be found in each of us, if only we would take the time to find our inspiration.&quot;<br /> ~Samantha Stewart (ME! :D)~

What if the skies weren’t blue,
The clouds weren’t white,
But every love was true?
Would you cherish what you had within,
Or wish the skies were blue again?
What if the water was silver and gold,
But the jewelry dissolved,
Into water so cold?
Would you rather wash dishes with gold from a faucet,
Or wear around your neck your grandmothers old locket?
These are the questions that haunt us today,
When the world seems to be quickly fading to grey.
The time we have here is a limited one,
So we need to cherish what we have before we travel to the sun.
The lives that we live each and every day,
Are the ones that are slowly wasting away.
So the next time walking out the door is the path you choose,
Think about the ones you love. Are you willing to lose?
Love the ones your with,
Pray for those who you are not.
Cherish all the little things,
And give it all your very best shot.
Hope always for the best,
Love always through the worst.
And keep your faith inside of you,
It will never lead you wrong.
If you practice all these simple things,
And always do your best.
The things you wish and want the most,
Will come to you themselves.
Hope always for the best,
Love always through the worst.
And keep your faith inside yourself,
It will never lead you wrong.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because i was conflicted about life.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jul. 12 2011 at 10:24 am
Trilobite BRONZE, Lower Burrell, Pennsylvania
4 articles 0 photos 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Genius is 1% imagination and 99% perspiration.&quot;~Thomas Edison<br /> &quot;Anyone who has a child today should train him to be either a physicist or a ballet dancer. Then he&#039;ll escape.&quot;~W. H. Auden

This is beautiful and so true.  It also gets you thinking: What kind of life would it be if gold wasn't valuable, or if there weren't clouds or a blue sky?  Great piece! :)