Saying Goodbye | Teen Ink

Saying Goodbye

August 24, 2014
By TCamp BRONZE, Mount Laurel, New Jersey
TCamp BRONZE, Mount Laurel, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything happens for a reason."

It was so unexpected ..

I got to see you every day and now I’ll never be able to see you again .

Even though I was too young to really understand .. 

It actually hurts a lot more now that I’m older .

Spending all that time with you , those are memories that I’ll never forget

You gave me unconditional love and I wish that I could just see you one more time

Just wishing that I could have said goodbye and that I love you ..

But I know that you are always looking down at me 

I know that you wouldn’t want me to be so sad

I’m glad that you’re in a better place now but I miss you so much 

It just sucks that my wish will never come true

I will just have to wait until it’s my time too .

The author's comments:

Losing my great grandmother was a tragedy that still affects me to this day.

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