Metamorphosis | Teen Ink


January 8, 2015
By bunnybri7 GOLD, Chesterfield, Virginia
bunnybri7 GOLD, Chesterfield, Virginia
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life isn't about the amount of breaths you take. It's about the moments that take your breath away.

You call me your butterfly princess
Yes we have a lot in common
Beauty and the transformation that comes with growing up
But something's different
Butterflies are free to fly

When you gonna trust me?
Trust that I'm strong enough to break out of my chrysalis.
When you gonna let me spread my wings and fly?
I'm not a larva. Not a caterpillar. A butterfly.
I know you're trying to protect me. Keep me from pain and mistakes
But pain is part of life
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Making mistakes is how we learn.
I wanna live my life for myself.
I wanna make memories for myself.
I wanna spread my wings and fly and be your butterfly princess.

The author's comments:

This is something that really comes from my heart. I wrote it while sobbing out tears. My whole life I have felt restricted and I just really wanted to express that. 

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