I am a Captain | Teen Ink

I am a Captain

January 5, 2016
By FishRisch GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
FishRisch GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What a person does with his free time can tell you a lot about them.
In my case it tells everything about me.
I captain a three man crew on fishing adventures on the weekends.

It begins at about 5:30 AM
I wake up to a loud alarm excited for the things to come
Like Christmas morning I jump out of bed and get dressed
I am filled with excitement and enthusiasm
The other two are still sleeping but it is the responsibility of the Captain to do the preparation

About 6:00 AM
dumb and dumber walk out of Mcdonald's
Steak and egg biscuit for Nels
Bacon egg and cheese for Chappie
Egg and cheese biscuit for Me
As well as a mellow yellow and three hashbrowns each

We are out on the open water rolls around 6:30 AM
The aluminum boat hits the still water for the first time that morning
Nels, the first mate, starts the motor and begins to drive us across the lake
Chappie, the crew member,  and I relax for the time being

Things start to pick up and work has to be done by 6:45 AM
Nels baits hooks
I get us into position
And Chappie does nothing but complain
Nels and I tell Chappie he is worthless but know he is the only lucky one of the three of us

We start to relax after  7:00 AM
The radio is on a country station
Tim Mcgraw has played a few times
Our lines are set
and we are feeling good

The action and excitement begin to happen sometime after that.
Either a bobber goes under the water violently
Or a rod tip bends into the water
“Fish on!!!” Chappie yells as if he were Jermey Wade
An excitement and thrill fill my body
The battle has begun, Us vs. the fish.

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