Alchemy for Nightmares | Teen Ink

Alchemy for Nightmares

January 5, 2016
By Chuckie.Johnson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Chuckie.Johnson GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Warning before starting alchemy remember the risks!


dash of gold dust
sprinkle of  liquid dreams
an instant of a memory
a fragment of humanity
2 crescents of moon rock
6 tears of  a witch
9 harvests of  hatred



Remember to acquire: liquid dreams, memory, and humanity from your target or this will have varied results.

begin by creating your circle, Alchemy is nothing without your circle!

place the gold dust and moon rock counter each other
shout the incantation: miscere iam

then place the golden moon rock to the side for now

grab half the witch tears and the liquid dreams
drop the witch tears in saying: Da mihi animam

Set that corrupted dream to the side for now.
then grab the humanity and blend it with the hatred
place it in the middle and  then grab the golden moon rock
say the incantation :comede vindictae

then place the solid   fractured humanity on the left side of the circle  place the remaining tears in the center with the corrupted dream on the right.

say the final incantation :neque erit requies vestigio impii

the now liquid nightmare should now be ready to be delivered to the subject.

tip:don’t attempt unless you wish death for the person.

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